Here are 8 of the best and 7 worst things about Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. However, there’s still some issues no matter how minor that hold this classic title back from being a perfect game. Additionally, the improvements to the gameplay and the mechanics in this new remaster only help the game solidify its place as one of the best games in the mainline series, thus making The Zodiac Age the absolute definitive version to own. Whatever your stance was on the game back in 2006, it is fair to say that not only has Final Fantasy XII aged well, but it was also way ahead of its time. Reviews for the game were fantastic but there were many fans who weren’t ready for the politically charged storyline, or they just couldn’t get over watching the story unfold through the eyes of Final Fantasy’s answer to Aladdin in Vaan. Surprisingly, despite the demand for the high definition remaster, upon its original release Final Fantasy XII became one of the most divisive titles in the series. It wasn't long before fans prayers were answered when Square Enix announced just over a year ago that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age would be coming to the PlayStation 4.

When the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster was released for both PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation 4, many fans were surprised just how well the game had aged, and it left a lot of gamers hoping that Final Fantasy XII would eventually get the same treatment.