His wife is a white woman and I'm certain that, at first, there must have been some awkward interactions between the group. Part of me often imagines the fact that Jordan Peele, writer and director, used his own real life experiences to craft this movie. This is an absolutely amazing movie, but it's also a movie that works in so many more ways than just a straight-up horror movie, because it just isn't a straight-up horror. Now that I've seen it and I have witnessed what everybody is talking about for myself, I can say, that in fact, the movie not only lived up to my own expectations, I think it even surpassed them. And it's like, really, dude? It's that great, huh? Guess I'll have to see it for myself. I know Scott Weinberg (a film critic who happens to be a big horror nerd, I also follow him on Twitter) said that Get Out was the best American horror movie he's seen in 15 years. Once you come to see these movies, they rarely live up to your own self-created hype. But before we get to that, I just wanna say that sometimes there's movies that people rave about and, as much as you try to avoid it, sometimes you get caught up in that, especially if they're people you trust.

It doesn't just work as an effective and disturbing horror movie, it works as an exploration of race relations and the views shared by some of the people that gather at Dean and Missy's house for this yearly 'party'. Not only because the concept and the execution thereof is fantastic, but simply because of how thought-provoking and subversive the entire experience is. Oh, it should also be noted that Jordan Peele won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay last night and goddamn if it isn't well-deserved.

This is gonna be one of those movies that's gonna be difficult to review without spoiling, the biggest joy in this film is going in completely blind and not knowing what's about to happen, but I'm certainly gonna try.

This is certainly very relevant to the film that I am reviewing this early Monday morning. How my I would have looked at the world differently and how the world would have perceived me or, rather, my skin color. I can't begin to tell you how often I've wondered how my lie would have turned out had I been born with a different color and I would have been raised in the United States. You wouldn't be able to tell this if you were to look at my skin tone, I am one pale asshole, but I am half-black. I don't have contact with my father nor have I had any contact with him for either 15 or 17 years (the timeline is a bit murky for me), but yes, technically speaking, I am half black. I think I've mentioned this in another review some time ago, I don't remember where or for what movie, but my father is black.